Lime Bowl Top View

Lime Wood Bowl

The Lime (Latin Tilia) tree, also known as Linden and (most commonly in the United States) Basswood, can reach a height of 40 metres and has a typical trunk diameter between one and two metres. The Lime wood species is unrelated to the citrus fruit.

Lime Bowl Top View

They typically reach an age of up to 1000 years, and are supposedly not felled until at least 75 years old. I’m not sure if this particular cut was winter lime, summer lime or Dutch lime. The former grows in northern, central and Eastern Europe, Summer Lime grows mainly in Southern Europe and Dutch Lime is a cross of both. Its character is a whitish yellow with reddish brown shades and tends to yellow in sunlight, though should age to a pale brown over time if kept out of the sun.

Lime Bowl Side View

It is also not very temperature stable at least until sealed, and even then, apparently, requires more care than usual. It is a medium density and turns beautifully, though does produce a fair bit of fine dust and a rather strange smell particularly when sanded. I also found it would tear easily if the tools weren’t kept razor sharp, but as it is actually quite workable any superficial marks and damage were easily sanded out. 

Lime Bowl Bottom

This particular bowl was turned from a thin blank. It was suggested to me that it might look better with a narrower, deeper side profile, but I rather like the gentle curve that forms more of a shallow dish than a bowl. It was sanded to 320-grit and finished with a few coats of friction polish.

Lime Bowl

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