• Cherry Box

    Cherry Box

    Finally found a use for the small leftovers from Project Cherry. I gifted a commemorative CD set to a friend and wanted to make a box for them.

  • A big batch of wands from leftover Sapele

    A big batch of wands from leftover Sapele

    This was a batch of wands created to raise money for a local charity. I think there were around 55 in total.

  • Oak Bowl

    Oak Bowl

    This blank was a lot bigger than I started, but a few incidents meant I had to turn it a few times to get the resultant project which is more of a snack dish than a bowl. I don’t particularly enjoy turning oak as I haven’t yet found a way to successfully turn it without…

  • Tulip bowl version 2

    Tulip bowl version 2

    The very first bowl I turned was in Tulipwood. When I started out I was hesitant to try a thin rim at risk of ruining the project.

  • African Walnut Bowl

    African Walnut Bowl

    African Walnut (Lovoa trichilioides) grows in West Tropical Africa from a relatively small tree, standing on average 30-46 m tall with a trunk diameter of 0.6-1.

  • Lime Wood Bowl

    Lime Wood Bowl

    The Lime (Latin Tilia) tree, also known as Linden and (most commonly in the United States) Basswood, can reach a height of 40 metres and has a typical trunk diameter between one and two metres. The Lime wood species is unrelated to the citrus fruit.